Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Soyatoo but NO SOY?

Upon doing my monthly Whole Foods supermarket run and searching for Daiya Non-Dairy Cheese I came across this great allergy free product called "Rice Whip" made by the company "SoyaToo" that seems to specialize in soy based products.

It seems to me that a growing number of people are sensitive or allergic to soy that even the soy companies are coming up with soy alternatives! :-)

This of course makes me happy since soy gives me a hellish tummy ache.

I tried this Rice Whip on top of some Rice based ice cream and spelt angel food cake, ready for a treat after dinner.
What can I say? It tastes just like how I thought Rice Whip would taste. It's'll do........I'm sure the soy whip is better but I won't dare find out..........   :-)
Perhaps if they made the whip out of Tapioca? Maybe I should try to make it myself and post it here.

Anyway I will give the company credit as it isn't half bad and as a substitute certainly doable/acceptable and nice in a cup of coffee with amaretto flavor. This Halloween I'm sure it will go great on top of a slice of homemade spelt pumpkin pie.

Here is the website to check out their products:
Vegan Essentials

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